3rd Plague Death Reported in China

Epoch Times5. August 2009

China’s state-run CCTV has reported a third death from the Pneumonic Plague in the town of Ziketan (zz-ke-tan), Qinghai Province.

The outbreak of the disease was first detected last Thursday, and the town has been quarantined.

CCTV reported 12 cases of the plague in total, including the 3 deaths.

The World Health Organization has expressed concern over the situation.

[Vivian Tan, WHO Spokesperson]
„We are definitely concerned because this form of pneumonic plague is really quite lethal. And it’s not very common, but it’s quite lethal. So we are watching the situation closely and we are in close contact with the Ministry of Health to see what the situation is like.”

This strain of the disease is related to the Bubonic Plague or “Black Death”—the same disease that killed 25 million people in Europe during the middle ages.


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