Aftershocks Cause Heavy Damage in Christchurch

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times15. Juni 2011

The latest powerful tremors to hit New Zealand’s city of Christchurch caused more damage to a city already devastated by previous quakes.

Monday’s aftershocks – with a peak magnitude of 6.3 – left many residents frightened about their future.

[Ken Maynard, Christchurch Resident]:

„Everyone’s getting a bit sick of it now, a bit terrified. One or two people have just lost it altogether and gone away.“

And for others, the quake took everything – like this house that lies shattered at the foot of a cliff.

One resident says she feels lucky – after a huge boulder stopped just short of her home.

[Lesley Murdoch, Christchurch Resident]:

„Absolutely, absolutely feel as though we have escaped a bullet, no doubt about that.“

Authorities have said parts of Christchurch will have to be abandoned due to the extent of the damage caused by the aftershocks.

And New Zealand’s Geological and Nuclear Sciences Institute warned the latest series of tremors could produce another string of powerful aftershocks in the weeks to come.

Foto: NTD

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