Chinese Authorities Block Legal Redress of Persecution Death

Epoch Times18. Juni 2009

Ping Jiang wants to redress the injustice against her father Xiqing Jiang, a Falun Gong practitioner. But Chongqing Police and the local 610 Office want her to drop the whole issue and cancel meeting with her lawyers.

Ping Jiang is determined to seek redress for her father, Xiqing Jiang, who was persecuted to death in a labor camp.

[Ping Jiang, Daughter of Xiqing Jiang]:
„I told them even if you beat me to death, I will not sign the cancellation agreement. I also told them if they couldn’t give me an explanation, I would not cancel my arrangement with my lawyer.“

Because of her decision, Jiang’s family now lives in constant fear.

They are under close surveillance by the local 610 office and her brother Hongbin has been blocked from coming home.

[Ping Jiang, Xiqing Jiang’s Daughter]:
„The public security office rings me everyday and watches me all the time. Our mobile phones are supervised and controlled. My child’s grandfather even receives threatening phone calls. We are all living in horror.“

Ping Jiang’s sister, Hong Jiang, says that when the lawyers Kai Zhang and Chunfu Li were collecting evidence from them, they were beaten and threatened by the Chongqing’s Jiangjing police.

[Ping Jiang, Xiqing Jiang’s Daughter]:
„A guy called Shuhua Wan from Jiangjing said that if my sister didn’t return to Jiangjing, they would arrest her.“

Kai Zhang is still recovering and has no feeling in his fingers.

[Kai Zhang, Ping Jiang’s Lawyer]:
„They are so unreasonable that if she refuses to cancel the agreement, they’re going to arrest her. It’s a horrible logic.“

Ping Jiang is asking the public to pay attention to her family’s situation.

Her father Xiqing Jiang died suddenly on January 28 at a labor camp.

Relatives found that Jiang still had signs of life and needed to be saved.

But the police buried him instead.


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